michael's movie reviews


These are the movies I reviewed in 2016.

Star Wars: Episode VII

reviewed 2016.12.24

How better to spend X'mas eve than with a slick continuation of a movie from your childhood? In which your favorite character dies for no reason, the most iconic hero of the 20th Century is reduced to a petulant cripple, and the plot is a mess...

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

reviewed 2016.12.23

Which aristocrat will marry which daughter? Or will the zombies win out, having already over-run 95% of the UK. Will the modern viewer be able to tolerate the sexism and patriarchy woven into the story of half a dozen ass-kicking warrior women?I thought I'd enjoy this more than I did and found that the whole thing just didn't work...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

reviewed 2016.12.23

This is a "Star Wars" story, telling the tale of the many Bothans that died bringing Princess Leia the plans for the Death Star -- as referenced in the very first "Star Wars" in 1977...


reviewed 2016.12.05

This animated kids movie is such a frenetic mess that it lost the attention of our four-year-old and we stopped watching it...


reviewed 2016.12.04

Jon and I went to the local cinema to watch this sci-fi flick about first contact with aliens...

The Red Turtle

reviewed 2016.11.28

This is a story of a man who is shipwrecked on a deserted island...


reviewed 2016.11.20

This is an excellent animated movie about an anthropomorphic, talking bear who decides to travel to London to find a home after being pushed out of his own by an earthquake...

Kubo and The Two Strings

reviewed 2016.11.13

This is a lovingly-made animated story about a boy who sets a monstrous spirit loose on the world and must walk the path of his ancestors in order to set things right. It's stop-motion and looks so good you wonder what on Earth everyone else is up to. The voice-acting cast is excellent. The plot and pacing is superb, and the whole thing is far smarter than I would have imagined.If you must sit i..

The Boy and the Beast

reviewed 2016.11.11

This is an animated flick from Japan, about a young boy kidnapped to an alternate world (of ghosts or demons, I want to say?) who winds up living with a bluff beast of a man. Hence the title. The brutish adult is indeed quite rough, in the time-honored tradition of being quite useless and belligerent. And the boy is indeed a needy child, and it's the voyage that matters.There are a couple of dis..

The Wolverine

reviewed 2016.10.24

This is yet another super-hero movie...

Captain America: The First Avenger

reviewed 2016.10.14

We watched this for "movie night" with the kids...


reviewed 2016.10.04

Finally, a Super Hero movie I enjoyed. It's the story of a convict who meets a girl whose father is a mad scientist. The scientist's experimental technology grants our hero a strange power -- shrinking down to any imagineable size while retaining his abilities and strength. (You have to remember these are based on comic books; I really wonder how much of this is just Gen-X fan-service.)What make..

Hachiko: A Dog's Story

reviewed 2016.09.30

This is the story of Hachiko, the dog who is immortalized with a bronze statue at Tokyo's Shibuya station...

John Carter

reviewed 2016.09.23

This is an update of an early science fiction story from a full Century ago...

Kung Fu Panda 3

reviewed 2016.08.21

The kingdom has never been under greater threat than when a pissed-off water-buffalo with unlimited strength and the ability to command certain wild magic aims to I dunno, take over.Once again the action is superb, the interplay between the characters - heroes and villains alike - is engaging, the story arc works...


reviewed 2016.08.02

I was amazed at how much I enjoyed this comedy about an out-of-shape, middle-aged analyst who is sent into the field to handle a sensitive case of a stolen nuclear weapon...

Avengers: Age of Ultron

reviewed 2016.07.14

This is yet another Super Hero movie that my kids were interested in for "movie night"...


reviewed 2016.07.03

This is a movie about a thief and con-man who pushes into the TV cameraman line of work after witnessing a crew in action...


reviewed 2016.06.30

This is an animated telling of the Rapunzel story with some updates...

99 Homes

reviewed 2016.06.08

This is a gripping story about a man who is evicted from his house during the Great Financial Crisis, but through a series of events winds up working for the crooks that had him evicted...


reviewed 2016.05.23

I wanted an action flick, and this appeared on a streaming service...


reviewed 2016.05.12

This is a sci-fi movie that goes to great lengths to be pro-science and defend humanity's space record and so on but when push comes to shove it veers into mysticism...

Jupiter Ascending

reviewed 2016.04.15

As much as I like Mila Kunis and suspect she deserves a break for being on Family Guy for so long, this movie was a troubled project by the (now) sisters that made the "Matrix" movies...

The Big Short

reviewed 2016.03.15

This is a dramatic telling of real events that happened during the Great Financial Crisis...

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

reviewed 2016.03.08

Well, we got it over with, today...

The Grand Budapest Hotel

reviewed 2016.02.17

This is a Wes Anderson movie in which a hotelier runs afoul of the "pock-marked fascists" in the years leading up to and including WWII...

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

reviewed 2016.02.04

This is a spy movie in which a new agency is created to tackle special cases on a global basis. It pulls together a disparate cast of rogues and puts them against .. a dispirate cast of rogues. Set in the sexy sixties, a US agent and a USSR agent join forces to prevent a rogue Italian billionaire from founding a terrorist organization armed with nuclear weapons.The movie's tone and pacing and pu..


reviewed 2016.01.10

This is anime with the lid off...

rand()m quote

A creative person would prefer their music to be stolen and enjoyed than ignored. This is the dilemma for every creative soul: he or she would prefer to starve and be heard than to eat well and be ignored.

—Pete Townshend