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movie review - Avengers: Age of Ultron

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2016.07.14

This is yet another Super Hero movie that my kids were interested in for "movie night". It's the sequel to another Super Hero flick with an ensemble cast, so we're to forgive the movie-makers for not explaining anything or filming it in a way that doesn't demand explanation. The plot, very simply, is that a group of super-humans retrieve a powerful gem and use that to create a synthetic intellect of vast power. It immediately decides to wipe out humanity. One can only wonder why, these days.

Anyway, the semi-costumed group of super-humans spend a day or two fighting the thing's hare-brained plan and put it down. I'll say this about the "age" of Ultron: it is at least a brief age, lasting only so many days.

Not recommended. Avoid.

rand()m quote

It's better to be king of your silence than slave of your words.
