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movie review - Spy

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2016.08.02

I was amazed at how much I enjoyed this comedy about an out-of-shape, middle-aged analyst who is sent into the field to handle a sensitive case of a stolen nuclear weapon. I like the actress who leads the thing, and it's got a great supporting cast, but I wasn't expecting this to be so good. She's absolutely a fish out of water, but the material is handled well and the comedy is allowed to be about the situation and not at the expense of the overweight lead. One engaging thing came from the rest of the characters not turning out to be terribly sophisticated. It's not just our gal that is awkward and in some way lacking of confidence. There is, for instance, a scene where a male spy is playing with a spy camera and of course takes dick pics. When some of these appear on a large screen, one of the female character surreptitiously takes a snap. Another, played by a suave and assured leading man, accidentally kills an important source while sneezing. In other words, I really liked the tone of the thing. It was helped along by a real spy story and great sets.

I would watch this again. Strongly recommended.

rand()m quote

Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.

—Obi Wan Kenobi