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woke up saying so

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kawasaki, 2020.04.19

I woke up from a mid-day nap by happily announcing, "I'm awake!" I then wondered aloud who I thought I was talking to. In unrelated news, today marks three weeks since I've had a conversation with anyone face to face. The only conversations I've had recently have been with grocery store clerks, and they go something like:

clerk: "Something"

me: "I don't need a plastic bag, I have a backpack."

me, later: "I'd like to pay by credit card."

clerk: "Something"

me: "One time."

Mari and I were laughing about the potential variants.

clerk: "Oh, that's my favorite natto."

me: "I don't need a plastic bag, I have a backpack."

me, later: "I'd like to pay by credit card."

clerk: "You're new in this neighborhood, aren't you?"

me: "One time."

rand()m quote

Nobody belongs anywhere, nobody exists on purpose, everybody's going to die.

—"Morty", of Rick and Morty