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sudden depression

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kawasaki, 2020.04.19

When I spoke with Jon this morning he told me that he's been seeing people living in tents in green spaces about Toronto. Such as inside the meridian between the lanes on University avenue. He first saw this about 10-11 days ago but he's been seeing more. Presumably these are people suddenly out of work and with nowhere else to go. Sure as hell no wants to be camping in the middle of University Avenue (of all places!) when it's still snowing.

That comment came in part in response to this tweet, which I came across yesterday.

I was convinced that hard times were upon us in Canada before all of this started. But we seem to have gone headlong into a depression. Among a galaxy of other things, I'm worried about the lousy cheap locks at our place in Toronto.

rand()m quote

When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.

—Isaac Asimov