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snowfall in the city

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.01.28

You'd think that Toronto would be ready in the event of snow, but this morning eveything was chaos.


I left the apt at 07:35, finally got the rental car swept off and moving by 07:47, and got to work at 09:15. Along the way I had to gas up and return the car, and witnessed some really lousy driving (in both senses of the road conditions and the people's activities). Then it was on the subway. We had a major delay due to a "fire" near the Bloor Viaduct (it's almost always a newspaper that's been blown into a tunnel and then set fire by contact with the third rail), we had a security incident, and naturally we had the drivers change over. I have to walk a few blocks at the end of my commute: when I got out of the subway I could see eight bloody streetcars within two blocks on King.


Then I got to work and told my colleague my story. Knowing he drives from a moderately distant part of the city, I dared to ask, "How was the driving?"


"2 hours fifteen minutes."

rand()m quote

Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.

—Albert Einstein