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TTC trifecta

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.01.30

Three wins for the TTC in their efforts to make me late for work today:

  1. As so frequently happens, there were no street cars in sight on Queen Street, which diverted me onto the bus up to the subway line, which led to another subway line and then back onto the street car downtown: an inefficient route plagued with connection delays and other problems. Such as:
  2. A lengthy delay due to a fire in the subway tunnel. The TTC advises in ads in the subway system that these fires are caused by newspapers blowing onto the tracks and being lit by the electrified third rail. And yet the TTC allows vendors to hand out free (and frequently discarded) newspapers in their stations.
  3. A security incident on the subway car right behind me, immediately following the "fire".
  4. Bonus: one of the doors on my subway car refused to open, causing a great deal on intra-car pushing, cursing, and general madness all along Danforth/Bloor.

rand()m quote

The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they're too old to do it.

—Ann Bancroft