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birthday party

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

St. Catharines, 2011.01.29

Kenny had his first Canadian birthday party, today.

There was a home-made cake shaped like "Gordon" the express train from the "Thomas and Friends" TV series. There were balloons and streamers and letters spelling out "Happy Birthday" on the wall. And there were gifts. So many! From Oma and Opa, a series of track pieces for his growing Brio/etc set, and a Great Lakes laker made to scale with the trains. From his extended family, a flurry of cards and some generous donations to what will be Kenny's bank account. And from his Grandma some books in both English and Japanese. Also some toy cars and interesting map scenes on which to 'drive' them. And from his parents, a child-sized (used) camera of his own. I don't expect that the camera to stand the test of time terribly well, but he's already learned the basic controls (power switch, shutter release, flash release, zoom) and is making photos.

rand()m quote

The human capacity to ignore inconvenient facts and avoid unpleasantness is immense

—John Walker, from the Hacker's Diet