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tobogganing again

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Fonthill, Ontario, 2011.01.30

Today there was bright sunlight on the snow, so we headed out to see some more of the peninsula.

I know the area reasonably well from having returned to it time and again over the years. Today I took our little family up through Rockway glen (where there is yet another of the annoyingly common new boutique/vanity 'wineries') and through the maze of winding roads that crawl over the gentle hills south of the Short Hills conservation area. At one point we got out so that Kenny and I could take photos, and the owner of the farm we were photographing came out with a horse to show off to Kenny.

He squawked, of course. He's a city kid and though no longer *really* small he clearly feels overwhelmed by large animals.

We carried on to Fonthill and took to the toboggan hill in a park in the centre of the town. Kenny bawled and refused a second ride. So once again Mari and I did a few small runs and I showed her how to steer the sled in our one joint ride. After that we went for a walk in the park's snowy woods and threw snowballs at each other. With a snowball from Mari, Kenny managed to get a shot right into the open neck of my parka, where my sweater and shirt were also open. Brrrr!

We headed back to St. Catharines and picked up "Grandma" for some Mexican food. To wrap things up we priced a custom posture bed at the Home Depot at $30. Woohoo, so much for the $800 quote we had from a bed manufacturer.

I hate to leave the family every weekend, but I had to get the rented car back and so I set off at about 6:45. Naturally, as soon as I arrived in Oakville I noticed the child seat in the car's back bench. D'oh boy.

rand()m quote

Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.

—Samuel Butler