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Google is weirder than I thought

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.07.23

My buddy Lee and I have discovered something truly bizarre. Google now places higher preference on "social networking" sites than it does on the sites that actually contain the content to which those aggregators point. That is, a website containing nothing but a collection of "hey, look at this" links gets higher preference than the actual content that's being linked-to.

Google has something like 85% of the world's search traffic, and this is the kind of result that Google's serving up? That's just dumb.

Hmm. I'm getting tired of it. Think I'll try something else for search for a change. And as a paying customer of Google's "professional" Apps/mail service, I think I'm going to start shopping around for something else.

rand()m quote

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.
