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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.01.24

Oh, the things you see without a camera. This morning as I left the apartment, I thought, "I should go back for my camera". But I didn't go back. Along the way, I saw some things that I wanted to photograph, but: no camera. Then at the end of the day one of my coworkers opened up the blinds on the west side of the building.

And there was Fuji-san, backlit by the setting sun, wreathed in blowing snow and starkly outlined against an orange vista.

All I had was my keitai. While better than nothing, it's not much better than nothing.

With apologies.

mount fuji sunset on a perfectly clear day

I consoled myself with some fantastic biscuits that my darling wife made for me. Mmmm, I ate them all.

rand()m quote

When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.

—Ernest Hemingway