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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2003.10.08

I went to the thing again. The months sure seem to be flying - I didn't even have any new work to show off this time 'round. There were only three people out this time. One of the others was a fellow starting to earn some cash through his photography. The other was an actress returning to the field after some years away due to illness. She wanted someone to do a head-shot for her, and was hoping that someone would do so for free.

As the other two left together, I can only assume that they were discussing her needs.

Also at the coffee shop where this event happened was a woman looking for her blind date. She said she was there through, and it was her fourth attempt. She'd been stood up new fewer than three times before through lavalife! I have to commend her for keeping at it. I think one would have put me off. When she first turned up, she thought that perhaps I was her fellow. When it turned out that I wasn't, she joined our photo thing for a while. Happily, her guy turned up not long after. I wish them well. I understand that this sort of thing is really taking off. A buddy of mine is even into it, and reports good results, so far. I just can't imagine it, myself.

rand()m quote

There's a fine line between participation and mockery

—Scott Adams