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of tiny mice and tiny snakes

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Campbell River, 2023.07.15

While on a hike earlier in the week, I came across a tiny mouse so small that its entire torso and head were no larger than the last digit of my thumb. Today, I spotted a tiny snake that I took for dead - slender, all-black, and nicely textured. It sprung into action as I arrived to look down at it, and was off in a shot. After a quick spin around the Intertubes, I believe it might have been a "melanistic Northwestern Garter Snake".

This morning's walk was two-part. First, I walked the spit that extends north up the coast from the mouth of the Campbell river. I then hopped back in my loaner car and went to Myrt Thompson trail, which is far more natural (or perhaps I should say it has reverted to nature after once having been largely paved). I can't imagine any snakes turning up on the spit, where people take their dogs for an off-the-leash walk.

rand()m quote

The greatest of our crimes and the worst of our sins is poverty.

—George Bernard Shaw