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a fishing tale

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Nichinan, Miyazaki, 2022.12.28

Happy Yuletide!

On Monday, yesterday, and today this week we went fishing. On Monday we had a bit of luck with some bass-like fish that are suitable for frying or soup but certainly not sushi-grade, and some smaller fish as well. Then yesterday I was skunked for the first time when fishing on the sea from Nichinan. I've had slow days before but to come home with nothing! At least The Boy caught a couple of smaller fish.

One thing that The Boy and I discussed was that our lures were coming back with bit marks. In 80-100m of water with thick rods it's sometimes hard to react. We were losing catchable fish. Well, after yesterday's skunking I went to the fishing gear store and spent about $80 on additional hooks for the lures I've been using: for some reason they sell them here with hooks at the top but not the bottom, so I rectified that. And today, I caught my first flounder and four large fish called amberjacks which are all sashimi-grade. Three of them would probably have had a commercial value of $60-80.

We'll try again in the latter part of next week. We're told to expect it to be cold. The Girl wants to go this time.

rand()m quote

Between the idea and the reality. Between the motion and the act. Falls the Shadow.

—T.S. Eliot