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what flies and what does not

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

10,000 meters, 2022.08.21

I brought many of my old photo backups and some old hard drives. It's funny what you can and can't bring on a flight, these days. You can't bring more than a total of 100mm of gels or liquids on a plane but you can bring two hard drives and an optical drive on the plan that are wrapped in opaque anti-static bags. There could be literally anything tucked away inside those metal cases. But by all means take everyone's expensive cosmetics.

The term "stupidest timeline" gets thrown around so much it's lost all meaning .. but, seriously. We waited in the security line for two hours for this charade to unfold.

rand()m quote

Ever notice that fifteen minutes into a Jerry Lewis telethon you start rooting for the disease?

—Jim Sherbert