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first win: the sofa

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2022.08.01

When we went to the storage unit to day I picked up my "old" home-built PC from 2018 or 2019, which contains a bunch of parts I want to take home (to Tokyo). I disassembled it today and will need to find some anti-static bags and packing material.

In a "win", some friends will buy the sofa. This is the large item we needed to get out of the way to reduce the storage unit by 50% (and our cost by nearly 50%).

rand()m quote

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those that enter a room and turn the television set on, and those that enter a room and turn the television set off.

—-"Raymond Shaw", The Manchurian Candidate