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in Toronto

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2022.07.30

We're in Toronto. We came up with the kids this morning, and "surprised" Ken's friend Liam by showing up with a bunch of pizzas. Curiously, the boy - who did not know we would be in-country - took it all in stride and there was no real reaction. But the kids went their way and we had a great catch-up with the parents after nearly 2.5 years (for me, anyway). It was a really pleasant evening. No mosquitos, a temperature in the upper twenties instead of the mid-upper thirties, and did I mention no mosquitoes. The Boy has ~eighty infected bites on his legs from having spent a day in the park with his girlfriend before we left, it's a real mess. Tokyo is becoming unlivable in the summer.

rand()m quote

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

—Winston Churchill