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movie review - Guns Akimbo

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2022.06.29

The premise of this movie is that a wastrel winds up with guns surgically grafted to his hands. Can he fix this somehow? Why has he been thrust into a sanctioned murder tournament? Can he save his girlfriend, who is being held by the Big Bad? Is this world populated entirely by assholes? All these questions and more befront our hero.

It's a bonkers concept and mayhem in execution. But it's secret is that it's well shot, well paced, and without any of the usual pit-falls into which such a thing might fall. Yes, there are plenty of one-dimensional assholes to populate the landscape and yes it all feels a bit like a video game .. but how could it not?

Recommended. There, I said it.

rand()m quote

Capitalism is Man Exploiting Man; Communism is just the opposite.

—-Old East Block Joke