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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2022.05.20

Today there was a persistent rumbling that waxed and waned in volume. I heard it while taking the garbage out, but spent the day downtown at work so missed most of the rest of it. It came to something of a crescendo around 20:30. Mari was concerned, perhaps in part because we agreed that the sound was similar to the low-frequency clap/rumble that sometimes comes before or with an earthquake. I suggested that we go find the source of it to set her mind at ease. I warned her that such sounds can travel very long distances and that they're hard to locate. We didn't go.

And it turns out that that's a good thing. We would have been walking 75-90 kilometers to a military proving range on the south-east corner of Mt. Fuji. Because they were proving artillery fire.

I can't help but notice that this comes at a time of the worst relations with Russia since the war.

rand()m quote

"'PowerPoint' is a distraction, people use it when they don't know what to say."

—Cristian Arcega, quoted in Wired Magazine