another new server for
the journal of Michael Werneburg
twenty-seven years and one million words
I've long since lost count of the many, many VM's and physical servers upon which I've had and my other domains stored over the years. After cycling through various hosting solutions, the longest-running was likely artisan. I kept that name from system to system for maybe a decade. Because I'd moved from UNIX to Linux with that name and it was almost entirely hand-built. Then there was dogrib, a CentOS host that I kept alive to the end of the operating system's supported run (likely 6-8 years). During this period Linux matured rapidly and I was mostly running on distribution packages and life was substantially easier. About two years ago I made a giant leap forward in software to a new Debian host named tlingit. As I noted yesterday, that had now run its course. So today I spun up my first "marketplace" image - another Linux system based on Ubuntu but with MySQL, Apache, and PHP as well as a variety of other bits and pieces. It took an irritating amount of work to make this actually happen - I'm still dealing with servers-as-pets instead of servers-as-cattle. All of this was because of the string of little differences between versions of Apache, PHP, and MySQL.
But while the database users failed to build all the data in the database seems to have ported. And happily, I didn't have to migrate the 120,000 photos - instead I simply detached the virtual storage device from the old VM and attached it to the new one.
I'm making this post on the new server and think I may have only spent 3-4 hours on the migration of the software, config, and data. Not bad. Now I just need to get everything into version control and see if I can get the next migration down to an hour.
In the meantime, nice to meet you, tolowa.