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making hay in the sunshine

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2020.10.25

Today was a sunny day (queue the day-long migraine) so we decided by around nine in the morning to seed the yard in hopes of growing a lawn. We used the broken business end of a soil claw thing to dig up a few centimeters of hard-packed soil and discarded all the broadleaf weeds. Then Mari and I left the kids (gaming with friends in Toronto on their respective phones) and headed to the "home center" to get some things. We bought all the tiny envelopes of grass seed they had, some fertilizer, and a spray nozzle for the house's outdoor hose.

I then switched to a larger backpack and went back for about 15kg of some kind of sandy stuff that had a lightweight fertilizer of its own for laying down after we put down the grass seed. I also bought a metal collar gizmo for securing the end of the garden hose to the tap. Which, oddly, the house hadn't had. (I'll also point out that the tap was underground!)

We spread the seed, then the sand stuff, then soaked everything.

Later in the afternoon we soaked it all again because it had already dried.

Were there sparrows? Of course. We'll see what happens.

rand()m quote

If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.

—George Carlin