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new glasses

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kawasaki, 2020.05.31

Today I picked up my new screen-reading glasses an I'm shocked to learn how much better my monitor is than I knew. It's amazing. Hopefully this means I'll be taking on a lot less eye strain working on this monitor all day. I wish I'd thought to take this frames down the road five weeks ago!

Some of my colleagues will be returning to the office tomorrow, and while I'm on the team that works on the alternate weeks and notionally should be returning a week tomorrow I think given the situation that I'll continue to work from home and therefor this surprisingly spiffy monitor.

In other news, I got an email at one o'clock that my delivery from Amazon had happened at the convenience store at the foot of my block. I went down with the bar code on my phone and took delivery of the parts for Richard's bike. Just as I was doing the most delicate piece of work in the corridor on the first floor, someone came along and needed to get by. I moved the bike to let him pass and suspect that the link pin I was installing to the chain broke the wrong way. It *looks* all right, but I'll have to watch it.

rand()m quote

Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.
