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goodbye, dungeons and dragons books

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2020.01.31

In preparation for an expected move to Tokyo, I've just taken the "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" books that we used in the 80's down to the end of our driveway for someone to pick up. I've now written my own version of the game, and those old books are a) not in great shape b) weren't terribly well-written and c) copiously exist in digital form all over the Internet.

And yet they brought me years of entertainment. Fare well, old books!

P.S. I had only finished writing this update when Mari noticed that someone was already picking up those AD&D books. He looked excited (and young). Hooray!

rand()m quote

...and when you try to get some, it surely can be hard. There's always trouble waiting, when you leave your own back yard.

—Motorhead, Lost Johnny (lyrics by Mick Farren)