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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2019.12.13

I had no meetings arranged today, but did some banking. I went into my (super Japanese) bank and they decided that because I'd left the country I could no longer hold a bank account there! By super Japanese I mean there were no computerized systems in evidence anywhere, and they had fifty-something males overseeing the women working at the front of the office (with stamps on paper, like the 80's!) and there was a sense of timeless stasis about the place.

Anyway, they cancelled my account, handed me the cash, and I walked out free of Mizuho bank. If we can pull off this move back to Japan I'll likely being dealing with "7 & i Holdings", the bank of 7-11, or perhaps Sony Bank.

I went home for a nap, blacked out for six hours, and missed a dinner appointment with Richard, who's relocated here from Toronto in the past six months. He guessed correctly that I was sandbagged by the jetlag, and we met two hours late over drinks.

rand()m quote

An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.

—Orlando Battista