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selling my work online

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2019.07.20

Today I put a manual of policy and procedures on risk management for small non-profits for sale on my "professional" website. It took all of thirty minutes. I hope some small non-profit will find it useful. The action is happening here.

As a measure of risk management, I found a vendor called SimpleGoods that does all the credit-card processing and production of the asset for download. They work entirely on commissions, as does the credit-card processing company, Stripe. So I pay no fees forever until the orders start rolling in*. That's risk sharing, and that's what's needed in this example.

*Which, given my history of dismal results when it comes to making money, should be around the time the Earth is consumed by the Sun in a billion years.

rand()m quote

Software Industry, the: unique industry where selling substandard goods is legal and you can charge extra for fixing the problems.

—-Duncan Simpson