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movie review - John Wick

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2019.01.26

The Boy wanted to see this flick, so we did. The morale of the story appears to be never kill a man's dog. And while that's obviously a good foundation for a tale the rest of what follows is basically a relentless action sequence as the wronged dog-owner tracks down some of his belongings that were stolen (I think there was a car and some other clutter). Because reasons, our man winds up wiping out the entire criminal organization. I have to hand it to Keanu Reaves, he's got a few years on me but he can do physical things that I could never do in my prime. And look 10x better than I've ever looked. But then, I guess that's why he's a movie star and I'm working at a struggling tech start-up.

Not recommended.

rand()m quote

If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.

—George Carlin