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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2019.12.16

Today I met with an old classmate from Japanese courses way back when I was at NikkoCiti. He's at State Street and had responded to the news that I was returning to town by not only suggesting that we meet but that he'd start looking into job leads. We ate at a really nice Shabu-Shabu place in Shinjuku and I was blown away by all the signs of life. Clearly, Tokyo has been booming to a degree that I've never experienced in the five years I lived there or in the near-decade since. New office and hotel towers, new movie theater complexes, and new stores and restaurants abound in an area that was completely deserted in the year leading up to my departure.

rand()m quote

There is little success where there is little laughter.

—Andrew Carnegie