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Bells on Danforth once again

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2017.06.24

We lit out at 10 to attend the "Bells on Danforth" ride once again - this time with Mari and both kids. Being a more than a year into my tenure on the board of the organization behind it (Cycle Toronto) I found myself immersed in board-business discussions once we got to the destination. Ah, for the innocent times when I'd show up for the ride with one child in the trailer and then just .. wander away at my leisure!

The sequence of participants over the years was:

  1. Me with The Boy in the trailer. I was a simple volunteer but not a contributor to the event. Just an anonymous participant.
  2. Me with The Girl in the trailer. The chant of "I want to go home," started almost immediately. Still a nameless and blameless rider.
  3. Me with The Boy riding independently. A new board member, but still uninvolved.
  4. All of us. The end of the innocence.

rand()m quote

Scratch the surface of any cynic, and you will find a wounded idealist underneath.

—John Ortberg