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property damage

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2016.04.20

Something happened to the fences, railing, and steps at the property where we live. I think it was just one winter too many for the stuff; it's all decided to fall apart. I was lugging my bike up the steps when the surface of one of the "treated" wooden 6x6 just crumbled under my foot. I'm not saying I'm not heavy, but yikes! Then, when taking a load of garbage down, I noticed that the railing that separates the driveway from the (completely superfluous) set of steps down to the sidewalk was literally hanging together by a screw or two. Again, it was assembled out of wooden slats and so on, and it just seems to have seen one too many windstorms. The next will bring the whole length down.

The fences ringing the property are in a similar state. Pity that our landlady is feuding with the owners next door. I doubt anything will get done this year.

rand()m quote

A university is a collection of mutually repellent individuals held together only by a common interest in parking

—-George F. Will