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crikey another storm

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2014.02.05

Great, another snow storm.

I'm not actually sure how I'm going to get home from work. There are Go cancellations all over the network, and apparently everything across the city is jammed. I see street cars in motion and the snow seems to have stopped but I know better than to try the subway/bus route because that bus line can't make the hill on Woodbine when there's more than a dusting of snow.

At around this time last year, we had a real wallop, also. I wound up blundering around the east half of the city first trying to get to work, then trying to get home. Heh.

Pity that the layer cake of solid ice and congealed sodden snow prevents tobogganing.

rand()m quote

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.
