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a good day, today

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.03.07

Three good things that happened today:

  1. We verified that a technical solution costing us only $12 a month will allow us to cut out the vast majority of the sources of security hack attempts against our web services, today. Another solution quoted to us: $1300 a month.
  2. I believe I've solved the riddle of how we can serve our clients in a way that shares the management of personal information belonging to our client's clients that serves the needs of all three parties.
  3. The weather, what little I saw of it, was damn pleasant.

rand()m quote

The point isn't revenge. It is justice. Revenge is like a wave that washes up on shore - it always washes back out again. Justice is like the shore - it's still there after the wave comes and goes.

—commenter "JP" on a Rolling Stone article about the crooks running Wall Street