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seeing what we're eating

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.01.25

Today I finally managed to replace the too-dim 25W bulbs on the ceiling fan we installed over our dining table. I put the fan in during the first week of August (thereby ushering in cool weather for the rest of the summer; if you were wondering why the temperature fell by about twelve degrees one day in early August, that was me) and since then we've been dealing with insufficient lighting. It's nice and moody, sure, but not what you need when you're eating with two small children.

On the advice of a colleague I went to a lighting shop on Spadina and found some LED bulbs that a) use 5W of energy, b) fit the "candelabra" sockets of the ceiling fan, c) give off as much light as 60W incandescents, and d) work with the dimmer switch.

We don't quite have enough light for surgery, but there's no longer a problem with the lighting. In fact we were able to remove a temporary lamp that I'd strung up above the (now leaking) fireplace chimney using an old belt.

The bulbs cost $100, but they're rated at 27 years, so we're happy.

Three good things that happened today:

  1. We can see what we're eating.
  2. Ghetto jury-rigged situation with the belt removed.
  3. No lightbulbs exploded when I tried the dimmer switch.

rand()m quote

Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.

—J. Michael Straczynski