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movie review - Men in Black

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.01.01

This is a '90s movie about a New York police officer who has a strange encounter with a humanoid with non-human features in a lengthy foot chase after a crime. He's swiftly dragged into a world in which extra-terrestrials are common residents of dear old Earth and people are being zapped with a whosit to make them forget.

I enjoyed the effective mix of a simple story, great characters, and clever dialog. The villain is very memorable, a terrific mix of excellent acting/direction, spot-on writing, and a certain physicality. The Boy, aged four-and-a-half, was thrilled. I'm sorry that Douglas Adams saw it differently, but this isn't meant to be taken seriously.


rand()m quote

Scratch the surface of any cynic, and you will find a wounded idealist underneath.

—John Ortberg