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the family is on a plane

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.12.06

I put my family on a plane today, they'll be gone to Miyazaki for the next month.

Now I have to start figuring out what to do with myself. Let's see, I've got a PMI event tonight, there's my CIA exam on Tuesday, I have to get a haircut on Saturday. Yeah, with one thing or another I suppose I'll fill the hours.

Oooo, and now I can sleep! This is why a local father described his family's departure on vacation this Summer as a vacation for him, too, though he had to work.

On the bus back from the airport, I had a call from Ken's school. It seems the written note we gave his teacher quite some time ago about his absence wasn't enough (or so the office party surmised). On the whole, I'm glad they do that absentee checking.

rand()m quote

Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them.

—Joseph Heller Catch-22