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tweaked my bike

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.11.19

I'm not riding my bike on a daily basis these days, having traded fun and liberty for reading on countless slow-lurching public transit vehicles.

But I'd been doing some thinking about one of the problems I've had with the bike, which is that the 600mm wide handlebars have gotten clipped on things. I went into the bike shop on Friday night (still agog from my new glasses) and talked with the fellow who sold me the bike about options. He suggested that I shift the shifters and brakes in toward the center of the handlebars about 3cm apiece, and see whether I found that comfortable. Then I could bring my bike back in and have that same amount cut off of the ends, shortening the handlebars without drastically changing the bike.

I've shifted the components and actually find the result more comfortable than the original geometry. Hooray!

And it was a good thing - Mari needed my help with some errands on Saturday and I wound up taking three trips on the bike.

rand()m quote

For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three.

—Alice Kahn