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on the TTC again

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.11.01

I've relinquished the bicycle in favour of the TTC. It's fully two months earlier than last year, but with the early cold and especially all of the rain and downed leaves, the roads are a real hazard right now. I need the time to study for my CIA exams, things are going far too slowly for my taste. I'm averaging an 82% on the practice quizzes but the common wisdom is that I should aim for achieving a 90% before attempting the exam, where the required mark for a pass is 80%.

So the bike's locked up and stowed for the season. Going to be a long four or five months.

rand()m quote

The way you write science fiction is: you sit down at your writing machine and you open your mind to the first thought that comes through. My first thought was always a cigarette.

—-Frederik Pohl