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good at engineering not at relationships

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.08.23

The other day I asked a six year old friend of The Boy the following question: "Your Daddy is older than me. And I am older than The Boy's mum. Who is older, your Daddy or The Boy's mum?" She got the question right, without hesitation.

I asked the same question of The Boy. He looked at me blankly for about three seconds, and changed the subject. I don't know if he can't do the reasoning or didn't understand or just didn't want to participate, but it seemed beyond him.

Then tonight he and I were building a castle out of scraps of cardboard. I was attempting a scaffolding sort of arrangement that would take a few steps to complete, but he interrupted me saying, "If you build it like that, it won't be stable."

I'm going to have to give him an "A" for sentence structure, vocabulary, and structural engineering.

rand()m quote

Though defensive violence will always be a sad necessity in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men.

—St. Augustine