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the whole family's around

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.07.28

Everyone's here, my brother, mother, and father. That's something that rarely happens.

But then, there are so few of us even in the extended family* that things like weddings happen only once in a blue moon. Actually, I suppose mine was the previous one, back in aught six.

Ken-my-brother bought some toys for Kenny, including a "slip 'n' slide", which we deployed after he'd gone. Kenny and four of the neighbourhood girls played in the thing for an hour or more on the landlord's water tab.

*At one point during yesterday's church ceremony, my brother remarked, "That's the most Werneburgs that have been in a church together in a long time."

rand()m quote

It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.

—W. Edwards Deming