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a wedding in Toronto

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.07.27

My cousin Kate got married today, on the tenth anniversary of their meeting in some high school related activity (in July?).

It was an Anglican ceremony in what I take is a rather progressive church; the priest referenced the fact that Jesus had been a Rabbi, and mentioned him going to Synagogue. The focus of the ceremony was very much on community and not so much on god. Afterwards, we ate and drank and danced and were merry. Though of course with the kids laying about in their stroller by the time the dancing started, it was not so much time to dance as time to leave, exhausted.

(When Kenny first heard the priest say the name "Jesus" he looked up sharply at me like the priest had said a bad word. Eh heh heh.)

Three good things that happened today:

1. Now I know what "black tie optional" means; (the black tie's not really optional).

2. Now I know that the Christian churches are modernizing.

3. My cousin's married a really decent, interesting fellow.

rand()m quote

I asked my doctor to give me something to stop me from aging, and he gave me a gun.

—Rodney Dangerfield