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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.06.28

Kenny's abilities with words and numbers are really taking off. He can now add any two values to a sum (as long as they're single digits) and he can spell some words if you ask him. The first of these was "Papa", I'm not sure how many others he knows.

He really seems to enjoy it. I'm putting him in front of a "word processing" package on an old beater laptop to encourage him. He can faithfully copy any word you type in, and seems to be getting the hang of lower-case letters.

P.S. Any time I think of our spelling system, I despair at this unreformed, conflict-ridden mess. Can't we start with some low-hanging fruit such as better distinguishing 1 from I and l?

rand()m quote

Scratch the surface of any cynic, and you will find a wounded idealist underneath.

—John Ortberg