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professional development

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.05.26

Today I went to a "PMP" related "professional development day" - at $280 I think it might just have been worth the money.

Overall, I'd give it a B for content (e,g, one session was cancelled because the speaker didn't show up) but it wasn't so much a professional development thing but a networking thing. Which, despite the opening keynote speaker's topic being clearly focused on networking, I hadn't really "got". I get the sense that PMI is actually much less about project management than it is about the organization itself.

Turns out, I was under-dressed. Not unacceptably so, I hope, but I certainly wasn't wearing a tie, and some of the attendees were in pin-stripe suits and I saw a woman in pearls. The irony being that every week I get comments about wearing a tie in the office. Nice to see that even in Toronto people can dress up once in a while.

rand()m quote

When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.

—Isaac Asimov