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Japanese sports day

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.05.19

Sports day is a big event in the Japanese school year, and today we attended such an event in the Beaches.

The Japanese school that Kenny will be attending on Saturdays, come September, held their annual track and field (and games) day. Kenny and I participated in the egg toss and Kenny actually threw the egg pretty well (I failed to lunge forward far enough to get it, the fleeting look of disappointment on his face still stings). Kenny also went into a small race that involved a mid-way stop to chew a donut off of a string.

After that we went to the beach for a while. A storm in November had cleared away all of the sand so the sand this year is all stuff trucked in from the north. Some people were looking for bottle glass but not finding much. The skipping stones were pretty thin on the ground too (nyuck, nyuck).

Kenny rode his balance bike both out and return. We bought him a $5 actual pedal bicycle at a garage sale on our street. It'll need sanding and repainting, mwahahaha.

It was sunny but not yet hot, perfect weather.

rand()m quote

Your body is a temple. It is also your dance hall, your bowling alley, and your pizza parlor.

—-Jonathan Katz