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comedy of errors - father's day gift indeed

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.07.18

I bought something online that was supposed to be a Father's Day gift - it still hasn't been delivered, a month later.

Now the problem is that my father's not going to be home for two weeks, and won't be able to receive the delivery. So I tried to contact the vendor for gift on Monday and was routed to voice mail. They did not respond. I sent an email today telling them not to send the thing if they hadn't already.

And naturally they responded by saying, "Sorry about that!" and sending the package by courier to my father's address. I then responded and followed up an hour later with an irate phone call, leaving yet another message.

Finally they called me back. I was speaking to a real human at last. The package has indeed left their shop this afternoon and will spend the next week floating in courier space.

In other words, the gift is now so late that I'll have met my father in late July before taking delivery of the item I ordered in May.

rand()m quote

Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.

—Albert Einstein