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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.07.05

Kenny constantly asks me to draw things for him. Tonight was no exception. Looking at the piece of paper that he was offering me, I saw a place where some scribbled lines already suggested a shape. That of the "Flying Spaghetti Monster", a faux God created by some people in the US (if I recall correctly) during the debate a few years (again!) about teaching creationism as an alternative to evolution theory. I fleshed out the drawing, and tried to explain to Kenny what the concept of a god was. I then drew a bunch of other gods for him, showing him Jesus on the cross, Allah riding up to heaven on what I think a griffin is supposed to look like, and Buddha sitting in a badly-rendered lotus position. Then I threw in Anansi, Odin & Thor, Nanabush, Raven. (Hmm. No females in there, and only two gender-neutral characters. I guess that's humans for you.)

He liked FSM best. That could be the result of bias. Maybe.

rand()m quote

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.

—Henry David Thoreau