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a visitor from Japan

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.10.02

We're hosting our first visitor from Japan: "aunt" Yaguchi Miwako.


All three of us went to the airport for her 21:00 arrival. We went downtown to the "Nuit Blanche", which is an outdoor art exhibit/festival. Sadly, it was only 7ºC, so the weather put a damper on things. Also, Kenny hated the screechy, flashing-light 'avant garde' stuff so we couldn't linger at the first site. Actually, I'll put the show down to being a bit of a drag, really. It wasn't really engaging, and the crowd seemed to just shuffle around looking a bit confused.

rand()m quote

Scratch the surface of any cynic, and you will find a wounded idealist underneath.

—John Ortberg