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32 kilometer doh!

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.09.20

I took The Boy to Fairview Mall to see the Lego store, but the store wasn't yet open—a 32 kilometer "D'oh!"

Thanks a lot, Lego website, for listing the store as open among your paltry three stores in Canada. No matter, we had fun together in the sunny weather.

And I bought a new hat to replace the one I lost this summer. I guess it says something about the Tilley hats that I'll pay $100 to replace one.

All in all, I think we made the most of Mari being too ill to take care of the boy, today. I'll make up for the Lego failure by digging out some of the larger and less fragile pieces for the boy to play with. It had really been my intention to start him off with some of the bigger pieces and not dive into a set of 600+ tiny pieces. The allure of the Lego store in particular is that it supposedly allows you to buy pieces to order, which would have been perfect.

rand()m quote

It's better to be king of your silence than slave of your words.
