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buying a Mac laptop?

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.05.07

We're looking for a replacement for Mari's defunct Dell laptop. I'm a big fan of OSX and am leaning toward a Mac laptop for her.

I don't mind paying more for quality, especially for something she'll use heavily. But there are a couple of problems. I'm worried that Apple's already pulling the plug on the "Mini" line that I've already bought into. VMware gives me a solution in this regard, so I'm set. But there's no real way around the glassy displays on the laptops, and while Mari's not sure it'll be an issue for her I'm no wild about the prospect of her potentially deciding that it doesn't suit her needs. She's not buying to watch or edit video, after all, she's buying for the usual mix of reading, reading, and more reading.

It looks like I'm not alone in this concern, it seems. It may be a four year old bitch-fest, but I've left my thoughts.

Three good things that happened today:

1. We made a nice trip out of buying some new inmates for our aquarium this morning.

2. We had a great walk along the beach in the sun, this afternoon.

3. Kenny and I found some "secret" gifts for Mari for mother's day.

rand()m quote

Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will you find that money can not be eaten

—Cree prophecy for North America