Sadly, I've taken quite a few decent pics with the camera in this state. I'll be sharing them, too. But anyone looking is going to have to "look around" the problem, and that bugs me. Shoulda been more careful.
That's why I'm now cautiously going to run one and only one roll of film through the beast after a recent, third (and final) attempt at getting it fixed. If this roll fails, I'll have to say goodbye to the camera that went with me to Ireland, Fiji, Australia, and New Zealand. The camera on which, more than any other, I learned what I know about photography. I remain cautiously optimistic.
In fact I stopped at Downtown Camera today and picked up more film. And to my happy surprise, while I was there I found a folder for negatives that will hold my Japanese-style strips of six rather than the Canadian strips of four.
Good things that happened today:
1. I remembered to mention sausage partners! What a great name for a deli/caterer.
2. Something finally went well at work for the first time in weeks.
3. Mari and Kenny had a fun day with friends.
4. I found a film folder system that I can use with my Japanese negatives!!
When the world is in accord with the Dao, fast horses are left to fertilize fields. When the world is not in accord with the Dao, war horses are bred in the countryside.
— Lao Tsu