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week of TTC cancelled

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.11.16

I couldn't make it work - a week of transit was just too much for me.

I'm back on my bicycle. It wasn't the lunatic drivers who chased me off, it was simply that I was losing too much time while taking transit. In reality, I got some reading done in the morning commute because I could get a seat. But in the evenings, the 45 minute trip becomes 90 minutes because there simply aren't enough streetcars making the trip after 18:00. On Monday night I boarded one streetcar close to my office but it only a few blocks before "turning short", meaning going offline. So I waited in the dark with the crowd for another streetcar, and when it finally came the thing was so crowded that it was literally impossible to read. That car too "turned short" at Coxwell, meaning I once again had to switch cars. Then on Tuesday night, I waited for fifteen minutes for a streetcar at my usual spot, but none came. In fact, they all seemed to be detouring to some other route though there was no posted message to that effect. So I walked to the subway, boarded and .. waited. Waiting on the subway does let you read, thankfully, but I still had to connect to the other subway line and then a bus. And the bloody bus took fifteen minutes to come. By this time I was too burned out to read anything.

So I've decided to simply stay at the office longer. I'll stay for another hour and take my bike.

Today it worked perfectly. I got everything done, and got home earlier than I did last night.

rand()m quote

A problem well stated is a problem half solved.

—Charles F. Keating