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unexpected windfall for cycle commuters

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.11.17

I cycle to work, where I have a consulting contract with a client; it turns out that this allows me to discount my cycling costs.

At least eighty percent (and probably more like ninety-five percent) of my cycle-riding is for my commute to work. The Canadian government has an allowance for anyone operating their own business to claim a tax credit for expenses pertaining to their automobile in use for that business. And according to my accountant, bicycle expenses apply just as do motor vehicle expenses. I've been tracking my bike expenses pretty closely, and while I'm well into the black as far as expenses go due to my savings on TTC fares, it now turns out that I can claim the expenses and get a portion of that money back.

Clever government, promoting cycle use.

In a related note, it seems that I've ridden my bike at least three thousand kilometers this year, just in the back-and-forth to work.

rand()m quote

Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.

—Oscar Wilde